Can Vietnam and Cambodia build a lasting peace?

Haunted by history, the two nations must go beyond official narratives for true reconciliation…

Two years of war in Ukraine: Lessons for Australia

We are witnessing a wholesale transformation of warfare. Australia must learn the lessons for…

Geopolitics, but what of other Pacific players?

Politics is a missing element of a new Lowy Institute assessment.

Economic diplomacy: Strategic funding comes in from the cold

A new review may cast a revealing light on how the government uses third-party institutions to…

China has a fifth station in Antarctica

Keep calm and do science and inspections.

In defence of Aung San Suu Kyi

Many in Myanmar have condemned what they perceive as seriously flawed Western criticism of the…

Prabowo’s challenge: Cabinet continuity

The incoming president’s ambition may be hostage to the influence of some big ministerial names…

What younger voters in India think about the country’s foreign policy

A perception of shared characteristics – risk taking, aspirational – is connecting with a…

Open for business: North Korea welcomes back visitors

Kim Jong-un has been on a charm offensive to rekindle trade and tourism links with friendly…

Harnessing Natural Capital Accounting for Sustainable Development

Although GDP is an important indicator that reveals the economic performance and income growth…

From Exploitation to Conservation: Recognizing the Value of Natural Assets

For centuries, humanity has exploited Earth’s natural resources, and, for the most part, has…

How to Assign Value to Ecosystem Services

Recognizing the value of nature is crucial in fostering healthy and resilient ecosystems—…