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The Report focuses on the monitoring of sovereign financing in Eurasia for the year 2023, relying on a database maintained by the EFSD…


28 May 2024

Sustainable Financing of Development and Infrastructure: A Handbook for Borrowers and Lenders is based on insights from the Multilateral…

This report highlights ways to make connectivity infrastructure both low carbon and resilient to climate shocks. It synthesizes key…

Analyzing the importance of Thailand’s blue economy, this report considers ways to mobilize and scale up private sector investment in…


08 Nov 2023

This flyer explains how Southeast Asian debt issuers could raise over a $1 billion by 2025 through green, social, sustainable, and other…


08 Dec 2022

This brochure explains how the ASEAN Catalytic Green Finance Facility (ACGF) supports governments in Southeast Asia to catalyze public…

The SDG Indonesia One-Green Finance Facility (SIO-GFF) is an infrastructure investment platform that ADB is supporting to help Indonesia…


30 Jun 2022

This report explores green bonds and other finance instruments for climate-resilient infrastructure to help meet the growing demand for…


17 Mar 2022

Kazakhstan became a member of the Asian Development Bank (ADB) in 1994, shortly after it achieved independence.
During the past…


Asian Development Bank (ADB)

Asian Development Bank