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The Report focuses on the monitoring of sovereign financing in Eurasia for the year 2023, relying on a database maintained by the EFSD…


28 May 2024

Several developing economies in Asia are not ready to face the challenges of demographic change.


Asian Development Bank Institute (ADBI)

Rahut, Dil B.|Destefanis, Alessia


10 Apr 2024

A household survey documents considerable differences between countries in terms of school closures, the government's response, and…


Asian Development Bank Institute (ADBI)

Maddawin, Angelica|Morgan, Peter J.|Park, Albert|Suryadarma, Daniel|Long, Trinh Q.|Vandenberg, Paul


09 Apr 2024

This publication highlights the importance of adequately investing in healthcare infrastructure and preparedness and of applying…


11 Mar 2024

Lockdown policies in Viet Nam inhibited both industrial production and the mobility of people, which led to a greater reduction in fine…


Asian Development Bank Institute (ADBI)

Nguyen, Nghia|Ngan, Tran Thi |Wong, Chun Yee


08 Feb 2024

Improving access to clean water and adequate sanitation is particularly crucial in Asia and the Pacific, where 1.5 billion people in…


Asian Development Bank Institute (ADBI)

Parekhelashvili, Natia|Alwarritzi, Widya|Setiawati, Santi|Seetharam, K. E.|Akbar, Riznaldi|Wibowo, Dwiky|Hashimoto, Kazushi


06 Feb 2024

Access to piped water increases the probability that rural households in Kazakhstan and the Kyrgyz Republic will adopt modern sanitation…


Asian Development Bank Institute (ADBI)

Kapsalyamova, Zhanna|Karymshakov, Kamalbek|Azhgaliyeva, Dina


02 Feb 2024

Global health ODA of the Republic of Korea has consistently increased in line with the overall growth of ODA. During the COVID-19…

Korea Institute of Public Administration

Korea Institute of Public Administration (KIPA)

Sangchul Yoon (Research Associate Professor, Department of Humanities and Social Medicine, Yonsei University College of Medicine)

This brief illustrates how improving health and aged care in Asia and the Pacific hinges on tackling the shortage of trained staff,…


Asian Development Bank (ADB)

Coghlan, Benjamin|Shin, Meekyung|Wyse, Meredith


29 Dec 2023

This publication tracks changes to health care provision in Mongolia as it seeks to balance public and private sector providers and…


29 Dec 2023