North Korean elite defectors on the rise?

South Korea must be careful not to politicise high-level defections from the North.

Has Sweden lost the art of walking the talk?

An innovative national education system that assists migrants in their native language has…

Freezing the Impact: Tackling Glacial Melt with Resilient Solutions

Glacial melting threatens regional water security, ecosystems, and economies. Countries must…

As China’s space technology advances, Antarctica’s relevance may be frozen out

Re-evaluating concerns about the potential military uses of space technology on the white…

A Sustainable Development Goal for space

As human activity intensifies beyond Earth, there is a need to identify exactly what “space…

The implications of India’s newest ballistic missile submarine

Will the country’s latest SSBN further entrench nuclear competition in the Indo-Pacific?

The implausibility of a Taiwan blockade

If all-out war is an inevitable consequence of a blockade, why wouldn't China cut to the…

Pivoting Toward Sustainable Urbanization in Pakistan

Pakistan’s economic and social benefits from urban growth are being compromised by deteriorating…

What Iranians want for their country

It takes a vibrant civil society to stand up to the establishment.

The real risks of exploitation for Pacific workers in Australia

While neither blackbirding nor systemic modern slavery, the PALM scheme has many loopholes that…

Harris vs Trump marks the lines of foreign policy debate

Look past the barbs and snappy sound bites and the real choice is clear.