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The Report focuses on the monitoring of sovereign financing in Eurasia for the year 2023, relying on a database maintained by the EFSD…


28 May 2024

While governments and authorities look for technical solutions to water resources management, they can often overlook local knowledge…


Asian Development Bank Institute (ADBI)

Ishiwatari, Mikio, Seetharam, K. E.

A community-led approach engages the urban poor and other stakeholders in identifying, implementing, and sustaining a project.

Lockdown policies in Viet Nam inhibited both industrial production and the mobility of people, which led to a greater reduction in fine…


Asian Development Bank Institute (ADBI)

Nguyen, Nghia|Ngan, Tran Thi |Wong, Chun Yee


08 Feb 2024

Improving access to clean water and adequate sanitation is particularly crucial in Asia and the Pacific, where 1.5 billion people in…


Asian Development Bank Institute (ADBI)

Parekhelashvili, Natia|Alwarritzi, Widya|Setiawati, Santi|Seetharam, K. E.|Akbar, Riznaldi|Wibowo, Dwiky|Hashimoto, Kazushi


06 Feb 2024

Access to piped water increases the probability that rural households in Kazakhstan and the Kyrgyz Republic will adopt modern sanitation…


Asian Development Bank Institute (ADBI)

Kapsalyamova, Zhanna|Karymshakov, Kamalbek|Azhgaliyeva, Dina


02 Feb 2024

Micro-level intervention on the household choice of remittance channels and providers can potentially contribute to reducing remittance…


Asian Development Bank Institute (ADBI)

Maeda, Hiroshi |Edwards, Ryan |Suryadarma, Daniel


15 Jan 2024

This publication explains why climate change is a growing risk for Pakistan’s agriculture and shows how high-level remote sensing and…


09 Jan 2024

In the Asia and Pacific region, accessing clean water and sanitation is a constant challenge for residents of informal settlements.…


27 Dec 2023

This publication examines pollution control technologies and looks at their suitability for use in small-scale agriculture.


13 Dec 2023