Pakistan pulls the data plug

Online censorship in the wake of extraordinary elections is the latest challenge to cost the…

By the numbers: China’s nuclear inventory continues to grow

Power, prestige and shifting estimates of what makes for a credible minimum deterrent help…

Can South Korea become a global pivotal state?

With non-permanent member status on the UN Security Council, Seoul has a long list of goals to…

AUKUS is a Trump-style deal

He rebels against the language of a “rules-based order” but he is happy to talk business.

Antarctic diplomacy and the critical role of inspection mechanisms

The future of the Antarctic Treaty System relies on laws that both foster cooperation and manage…

You name it! Are country name changes necessary?

The reasons behind rebranding a nation are myriad – from overt nationalism to anti-colonialism…

Japan and the United States should pool efforts to improve health in Pacific Island countries

A coordinated “health as diplomacy” partnership could mobilise the Quad, PBP, and other…

Israel-Hamas: A globalised conflict

The Palestinian issue has never lost its resonance beyond the Middle East, especially in the…

Five surprises from Lowy’s Global Diplomacy Index

Revealing the who, what and – just as importantly – where of foreign policy.

The bigger political game in the Pacific

It’s true there are many actors and issues unfolding in the region, but Australia, the United…

Words as weapons in the war of ideas

A new book explores the power of literature on history's battlefields.

Out of the shadows: Women as partners resisting oppression

Yulia Navalnaya – widow of Alexey Navalny – follows in the steps of other brave women forced in…