Western banks are vacating the Pacific, and Nauru is turning to China

Financial risks are causing Western banks to flee the region, leaving a void for China to fill…

Paving Farm Roads with Rapid Hardening Concrete Composite Mat

A conducive road network is integral to the economic growth of a country. Better roads mean…

Erdogan's election blow will shape Türkiye's foreign policy

Other than continuing to promote its economic interests, four recent developments illuminate the…

North Korea and its socialist friends in Southeast Asia

Pyongyang is relying on ties with Vietnam and Laos to prop up its dwindling diplomatic reach.…

Ukraine war: How to check Russia's momentum

Russia now has the means to subjugate Ukraine. This calls for a change in how Kyiv – and the…

Pacific Engagement Visas: Soft launch and mystery quotas

Australia’s highly competitive new visa lottery has much leg work to do to make fair allocations…

Five Pathways to Transform Food Systems in Asia and the Pacific

Asia faces unprecedented food security challenges due to soaring rice prices, climate-induced…

The Translator: “Like-minded countries”

A new series in which experts explain the sometimes baffling jargon of international affairs.…

ASEAN and the military applications of AI

While artificial intelligence can be used to magnify lethal force, it can also promote regional…

UN-ravelling the world of United Nations acronyms

With a lexicon all its own, does a reliance on the alphabet soup pose challenges to transparency…

Maintaining Momentum: Three Steps Countries Can Take to Make Infrastructure More Resilient

Operations and maintenance costs are often left out of the equation when building infrastructure…