Is the EU Australia’s blind spot in the Indo-Pacific?

In region worried about militarisation, what is perceived as the EU’s weakness by Australia may…

Economic diplomacy: Made in Australia with new energy

The government wants to manufacture an election winning industry policy that also sounds tough…

Iran-Israel: The escalation calculus

Iran’s weekend strike against Israel was thwarted, but how should we calculate its impacts?

Invisible victims: How counter-trafficking efforts leave people with disability behind

It is often those who should be responsible for protecting people with disabilities who exploit…

Telling tales about “Civil War”

Politics isn’t the only strange omission from what is undoubtedly a captivating and relentless…

Great powers vs domestic politics: The clean energy trade-off

The battle to corner the market on energy transition minerals has much at stake.

Why China remains unlikely to invade Taiwan

Xi Jinping didn't reach the top of Chinese politics by gambling.

Lawrence Wong’s ascent as Singapore’s 4th generation leader

The island-state will have a new prime minister next year, but old hands will help guide the…

Russia conundrum in the Caucasus and beyond

Once a de facto leader in the post-Soviet space, Moscow is now falling outside the friend zone…

Is South Korea’s Indo‑Pacific Strategy a diplomatic lame duck?

After President Yoon’s election defeat, a change in foreign policy is unlikely, but momentum…