Why Taiwan should embrace multiculturalism

With a birth rate below replacement level, Taipei has many reasons to boost its workforce from…

Child marriage in Southeast Asia: When a harmful practice becomes an international crime

ASEAN can lead the way in tackling a practice that regularly results in the trafficking of…

Four Actions to Help Flood-Devastated Schools Bounce Back

After devastating floods in 2022 that caused widespread damage to schools, Pakistan’s Sindh…

Could BIMSTEC be the answer to the Myanmar question?

With a new charter and fresh ambition, a little-known regional organisation has as big summit…

Don’t expect Trump 2.0 to be so tough on China

Past behaviour is the best guide to future conduct.

Shakespeare as life coach

Two new books examine how the Bard’s wit and wisdom can serve as guides for modern day policy…

Rain in the Seine would be an Olympic-sized pain

But the effort to clean up the famous waterway in Paris could hold international lessons.

What Could Derail Asia’s Solid Growth Outlook?

Developing economies in Asia and the Pacific are projected to grow through 2024 and 2025,…

Good vibes only: Can Starmer make the European Political Community work?

Europe’s newest strategic forum has the chance to rally regional leaders around common defence…

Improving Energy Efficiency and Indoor Air Quality with Smart Air-Conditioning

With rising temperatures due to climate change, the demand for air conditioners is expected to…

America’s election: It’s not foreign policy, stupid

For all the noise of the campaign, the next few months will be a quiet time in America’s…

ASEAN centrality stands in the way of an Indonesia-Australia alliance

While Jakarta’s non-alignment approach makes a pact unlikely any time soon, common strategic…