Made in the USA: America’s gambit to reclaim industrial primacy

Dominance in next-generation industry relies on people and partnerships to short-circuit China’s…

Critical minerals, critical decisions

A new UN panel can help ensure the social and environmental risks of the energy transition are…

Analyzing the Potential Climate Impacts of a Future Hydrogen Economy

Hydrogen offers a promising avenue towards a cleaner and sustainable energy future. In its…

The tricky delivery of aid and access in conflicts and crises

Gaza is only the latest example of the logistical challenges in providing humanitarian relief.…

The unheard potential of moderate voices in New Caledonia’s crisis

Hope for a “common destiny” is not yet lost despite the violent unrest and hardening views.

Remembering Martin Indyk, an American diplomat with Australian sensibilities

“Few Australians have had such a large impact on the world, and for good”, said Lowy Institute…

Five Actions to Boost Financial Inclusion for Women-Led Small Businesses in The Pacific

Inclusive financial practices are essential to support women-led micro, small and medium-sized…

Martin Indyk, peacemaker

A scholar, a statesman, and a relentless policy entrepreneur. Above all, he was committed to a…

Bring women to the table to talk ocean sustainability

The upcoming G20 summit in Brazil must focus on what has so far remained neglected – women’s…

How Korean Universities Drive Climate Action and Green Transition

In the Republic of Korea (ROK), human resource development has driven economic growth, with…

Economic diplomacy: Looking beyond a 30-year anomaly

Divining economic statecraft is animating international relations roundtables but unnerving the…

Deadpool & Wolverine can rescue America from Trump

A superhero film to save a country in danger.