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Property in Igbo traditional land and culture refers to wealth in the forms of houses, lands, money/cash, fruit trees and animals. These…


Bangladesh Institute of Development Studies

Muoghalu, Caroline Okumdi|Abrifor, Chiedu Akporaro

The paper focuses on the relative achievement of five major Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) for India and Bangladesh. This is done…


Bangladesh Institute of Development Studies

Roy, Debanjana|Datta, Soumyendra Kishore

The Sustainable Development Policy Institute (SPDI) provides the global sustainable development community with representation from…


Sustainable Development Policy Institute

Institute, Sustainable Development Policy

As Singapore reassesses its threats to convert them into opportunities, it may benefit from learning how other small states overcome…

The global economy is on the brink of a recession as the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic has severely impacted businesses, jobs…


Asian Development Bank (ADB)

Park, Cyn-Young|Shin, Kwanho

The coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic has heightened food security risks in Asia and the Pacific. Disruptions to domestic and…


Asian Development Bank (ADB)

Kim, Kijin|Kim, Sunae|Park, Cyn-Young

While the long-term consequences of COVID-19 will become clearer in the coming months and years, in this brief we estimated the initial…


Asian Development Bank (ADB)

Yamano, Takashi|Pradhananga, Manisha|Schipani, Steven|Samson, Jindra Nuella|Quiao, Lotis|Leuangkhamsing, Soulinthone|Maddawin., Angelica

The fight against COVID-19 has been the greatest challenge the world has faced since the middle of last century. As countries have…

Lowy Institute logo

Lowy Institute

Bland, Ben|Dayant, Alexandre|Edwards, John|Grenville, Stephen|Kassam, Natasha|Lemahieu, Herve|Leng, Alysssa|McGregor, Richard|Mcleod, Shane|Oliver, Alex|Pryke, Jonathan|Rajah, Roland|Roggeveen, Sam|Scott, Ben

Fiji is certain to be one of the hardest-hit countries by COVID-19 in the Asia-Pacific in terms of loss of jobs and output relative to…


Institute for Integrated Development Studies

Dahal, Sudyumna|Wagle, Swarnim

While the ultimate resolution of COVID-19 may lead to a market correction as uncertainty declines, there may be some permanent effects…


Asian Development Bank Institute (ADBI)

Beirne, John|Renzhi, Nuobu|Sugandi, Eric Alexander|Volz, Ulrich