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Child malnutrition is still a prevalent challenge in Sri Lanka. More than one in five children (under five years old) are underweight…


Institute of Policy Studies of Sri Lanka

Lanka, Institute of Policy Studies of Sri

ADB's contribution to this report highlights the vulnerability of economies that have a significant or growing dependence on…


24 Sep 2020

The spread of novel coronavirus COVID-19 has resulted in global pandemics, which was followed by an abrupt economic crisis, as economies…


Policy and Management Consulting Group

Group, Policy and Management Consulting

This case study explores how Singapore is applying a population health approach in its long-term care system to address the needs of its…


17 Sep 2020

Singapore, a multiethnic country with one of the highest median incomes in the world, is undergoing a demographic shift. Twenty-five…


Asian Development Bank (ADB)

Asian Development Bank

The Asian Development Review is a journal of the Asian Development Bank and the Asian Development Bank Institute. ADR publishes research…


Asian Development Bank (ADB)

Sawada, Yasuyuki

Like many regions across the globe, the Western Balkans is struggling with the challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic. The region’s most…

COVID-19 not only highlights existing inequalities, it exacerbates them. Not only do the poor have higher COVID-19 infection and…

The unprecedented COVID-19 pandemic is the most challenging public health crisis the world has faced in a century. It has overwhelmed…


Philippine Institute for Development Studies

Tabuga, Aubrey D.|Domingo, Sonny N.|Diokno-Sicat, Charlotte Justine|Ulep, Valerie Gilbert T.

Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) has unleashed unparalleled challenges. At the same time, it offers a window to rethink Asia’s most…


Asian Development Bank (ADB)

Susantono, Bambang|Sawada, Yasuyuki|Park, Cyn-Young