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The COVID-19 pandemic has dramatically changed the social and economic outlook for Aotearoa New Zealand. Thousands of jobs have…

The worldwide pandemic caused by the novel coronavirus (Covid-19) has continued throughout 2020. By October 27, the virus had claimed…


The Asia Foundation

Peltovuori, Ville

The rapid spread of the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic globally is partly a symptom of a highly integrated and interconnected world in…


Institute of Policy Studies of Sri Lanka

Lanka, Institute of Policy Studies of Sri

This publication presents a study on the availability and provision of long-term care (LTC) in Mongolia. It discusses findings from the…


18 Nov 2020

The Asia Foundation’s Afghanistan Flash Surveys on Perceptions of Peace, Covid-19, and the Economy: Wave 1 Findings – the first of three…


The Asia Foundation

Akseer, Tabasum|Swift, David

Faced with such an unprecedented shock, the world community has offered a poorly coordinated emergency response to the COVID-19 pandemic…


Institute of Policy Studies of Sri Lanka

Lanka, Institute of Policy Studies of Sri

The study aims to assess the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic in Swat district taking economic stresses, social and family life, and…


Sustainable Development Policy Institute

Ilyas, Ayesha|Kazmi, Mohsin Ali

This brief provides recommendations for gender-responsive policies and sector-specific strategies in the fight against the coronavirus…


Asian Development Bank (ADB)

Park, Cyn-Young|Inocencio, Ancilla Marie


12 Nov 2020

The pandemic’s multiple effects are not fully understood in the region. There are still many unknowns, not least of which is the…


The Asia Foundation

Foundation, The Rockefeller|Aid, Australian

This case study highlights innovations and strategies to address the needs of the Thailand’s aging population that can also be applied…


11 Nov 2020