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A sovereign city state is born with vulnerability. Though the COVID-19 pandemic is magnifying this vulnerability, the wisdom of Lee Kuan…

This report will look into a selected support measures from the perspective of their implementation so far. Since the implementation of…


Centre for Policy Dialogue

Development, Independent Review of Bangladesh's

The COVID-19 pandemic has bolstered the case for large-scale government intervention in the economy and in ensuring social welfare. It…

The concept of civil society in Georgia is primarily associated with NGOs. However, CSOs include formal institutions such as research…


Asian Development Bank (ADB)

Asian Development Bank

The post-Covid Budget delivered some big numbers in offering support to help the economy recover from lockdown, but its effect still…

The IEA Report (2020) provides a description of key challenges around global supply of select critical minerals. A justified tightening…


Brookings India

Chadha, Rajesh

ERIA annual report from 2019 - 2020. Discussing the research projects by ERIA in East Asia

The impact of COVID-19 has exposed challenges to the concept of social resilience as a guiding principle steering how society can…

As Southeast Asian countries are gradually reopening their economies in the face of a pandemic, there is a need to ensure safety and…

Environmental, social, and governance (ESG) factors have become an important part of global investment decisions. ESG investment…


Asian Development Bank Institute (ADBI)

Nemoto, Naoko|Morgan, Peter J.