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This paper recommends an immediate and frontloaded exchange rate depreciation that can encourage an adjustment process to address the…


Asian Development Bank (ADB)

Davies, Martin H.|Schröder, Marcel

An increase in US interest rates driven by demand shocks engenders a positive spillover to economic activity in the near term.


Asian Development Bank Institute (ADBI)

Arbatli-Saxegaard, Elif|Furceri, Davide|Gonzalez Dominguez, Pablo|Ostry, Jonathan D.|Peiris, Shanaka J.


17 May 2022

Bilateral remittance inflows are countercyclical against the business cycle of a remittance-receiving country relative to a sending…


Asian Development Bank Institute (ADBI)

Kim, Kijin|Ardaniel, Zemma|Kikkawa, Aiko|Endriga, Benjamin

A central bank’s announcement related to the asset purchase program can significantly restore confidence in domestic macroeconomic and…


Asian Development Bank Institute (ADBI)

Prabheesh, K. P.|Kumar, Sanjiv


13 May 2022

The outbreak of the COVID -19 virus and the resulting drop in demand are having a severe impact on Asian economies and, by extension,…


Asian Development Bank Institute (ADBI)

Morgan, Peter J.|Long, Trinh Q.|Kim, Kunhyui


11 May 2022

While greater investment is needed to support recovery in the wake of the pandemic, the longer-term outlook for economies depends on new…


Asian Development Bank Institute (ADBI)

Nemoto, Naoko|Liu, Lian


27 Apr 2022

This report outlines economic prospects in developing Asia amid global turbulence and lingering pandemic risks. It discusses the…


06 Apr 2022