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Food prices at both domestic and global levels have a large influence on export restriction.


Asian Development Bank Institute (ADBI)

Laborde, David|Mamun, Abdullah

People's Republic of China

30 May 2023

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This report analyzes how Uzbekistan’s key textile, garment, and construction sectors will be impacted by its…


15 May 2023

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This guide provides advice on setting up logistics centers in Central Asia Regional Economic Cooperation (CAREC)…


28 Apr 2023

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This publication presents a comprehensive overview of the potential impact of climate change on Central Asia…


28 Apr 2023

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This paper analyzes how trade costs affect exports from five Central Asian countries. It highlights how improving…


Asian Development Bank (ADB)

Sharafeyeva, Alfinura


21 Mar 2023

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This working paper analyzes the impact of infrastructure and trade facilitation on imports and exports in five…


Asian Development Bank (ADB)

Karymshakov, Kamalbek|Sulaimanova, Burulcha


28 Feb 2023

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This report presents case studies that highlight how ADB's teams are working together to design innovative…

People's Republic of China

06 Feb 2023

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