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Environmental concerns cannot be solved by a single economy acting alone; cooperation between economies is required…


Asian Development Bank Institute (ADBI)

Elliott, Robert J. R.|Jabbour, Liza|Su, Yiran

People's Republic of China

12 Jun 2023

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The People’s Republic of China (PRC) has achieved remarkable progress in poverty reduction and economic growth—…


Asian Development Bank (ADB)

Qiao, Baoyun|Fan, Emma Xiaoqin|Rahemtulla, Hanif A.|van Rijn, Hans|Li, Lina

People's Republic of China

05 Jun 2023

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The challenges of implementing an effective multilingual education could prove prohibitive in countries with a high…


Asian Development Bank Institute (ADBI)

Igarashi, Takiko|Suryadarma, Daniel|Yadav, Pooja


31 May 2023

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Passive designs help buildings make use of natural cooling resources and maximize free cooling opportunities such as…

People's Republic of China

31 May 2023

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Fintech play a critical role in addressing problems that impede inclusive growth, such as economic inequality.


Asian Development Bank Institute (ADBI)

Parvez, Al-Amin|Katha, Evanta Hashem|Shaeba, Mashrura Kabir|Hossain, Sajjad


30 May 2023

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Food prices at both domestic and global levels have a large influence on export restriction.


Asian Development Bank Institute (ADBI)

Laborde, David|Mamun, Abdullah

People's Republic of China

30 May 2023

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Exchange rate developments are important considerations for central banks in the sense that they can affect


Asian Development Bank Institute (ADBI)

Beirne, John|Renzhi, Nuobu|Panthi, Pradeep

People's Republic of China

19 May 2023

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This study shows that the new pension program in the People’s Republic of China can fundamentally alter the…


Asian Development Bank (ADB)

Shan, Xiaoyue|Park, Albert

People's Republic of China

12 May 2023

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Risk mitigation is an important aspect of increasing private sector investment in climate adaptation.


Asian Development Bank Institute (ADBI)

Goldar, Amrita|Dasgupta, Somit|Jain, Sajal|Dasgupta, Diya|Bhattacharya, Poulomi

People's Republic of China

06 May 2023

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Infrastructure in the region of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) and the People’s Republic of…

Brunei Darussalam

02 May 2023

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