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Hong Kong, China joined ADB in 1969. It has provided $769.36 million in capital subscription to ADB. It has also…

Hong Kong, China

08 Feb 2024

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As a small island developing state, the Federated States of Micronesia (FSM) experiences heightened barriers to…

Federated States of Micronesia

08 Feb 2024

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Azerbaijan aims to develop a sustainable and competitive economy, achieve an inclusive society, improve human…


08 Feb 2024

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ADB began its partnership with Georgia in 2007 and is one of the country’s largest multilateral development partners…


08 Feb 2024

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ADB is one of Cambodia’s largest sources of official development assistance, with average annual lending of $368.3…


08 Feb 2024

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Access to piped water increases the probability that rural households in Kazakhstan and the Kyrgyz Republic will…


Asian Development Bank Institute (ADBI)

Kapsalyamova, Zhanna|Karymshakov, Kamalbek|Azhgaliyeva, Dina


02 Feb 2024

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ADB is assisting Maldives to improve climate resilience and achieve net zero emissions by 2030 through the increased…


02 Feb 2024

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This study assesses the simultaneous contribution of international remittance income reported by recipient…


Asian Development Bank (ADB)

Kikkawa, Aiko|Gaspar, Raymond|Kim, Kijin|Mariasingham, Mahinthan J.|Zamora, Christian Marvin


01 Feb 2024

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ADB has been working with the PRC since 1986. To date, ADB has committed 1,193 public sector loans, grants, and…

People's Republic of China

31 Jan 2024

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