
This working paper posits that the Fourth Industrial Revolution, driven by the expanding digital economy, will bring significant changes to Asia and…


Asian Development Bank (ADB)

Campbell, Duncan


26 Mar 2020

While COVID-19 has focused attention on the immediate danger of food shortages, it behooves small island states like Singapore to continue efforts to…

Asia and the Pacific

25 Mar 2020

Many countries are still struggling to expand their testing capability to diagnose more potential COVID-19 patients amidst shortage of detection kits.…

Asia and the Pacific

25 Mar 2020

Access to European funds alone cannot explain economic progress and coherence.


25 Mar 2020

This issue of the Asia Bond Monitor reveals that the COVID-19 pandemic and deepening global economic uncertainty are weighing heavily on local currency…

Impact investing activity in Asia has grown quickly, but it will be a challenge to maintain the pace of scaling due to the complex and widely…


Asian Development Bank Institute (ADBI)

Huang, Bihong|Kapoor, Anant|Liang, Hao|Luo, Dave Jia Xuan


25 Mar 2020

The ever-growing toll of the COVID-19 pandemic has led to a growing sense of helplessness and loss of confidence worldwide. Coordinated global…

Asia and the Pacific

24 Mar 2020

China has overtaken the United States as the most influential political and strategic player in Southeast Asia, according to the results of the ISEAS…


ISEAS-Yusof Ishak Institute

Kwok, Choi Shing

Asia and the Pacific

24 Mar 2020

This report explores policy options to facilitate Indonesia’s technological transformation and unlock its economic growth potential.


24 Mar 2020

More than underwriting greenfield risk, multilateral development banks play a role in supporting bond holders through risk mitigation, project…


24 Mar 2020

As several countries have reduced tariff rates, other forms of regulatory measures that impact on trade have proliferated. These regulations,…


Philippine Institute for Development Studies

Quimba, Francis Mark A.|Jr., Sylwyn C. Calizo

Asia and the Pacific

23 Mar 2020

IKEA, Tesco, Walmart, and McDonald’s are often seen only from the operational perspective—as suppliers of flat-pack furniture, groceries, and…

Asia and the Pacific

23 Mar 2020