
The size of emerging East Asia’s local currency bond market reached USD17.2 trillion at the end of June 2020. In the second quarter of 2020 the market…

Child malnutrition is still a prevalent challenge in Sri Lanka. More than one in five children (under five years old) are underweight and one in six…


Institute of Policy Studies of Sri Lanka

Lanka, Institute of Policy Studies of Sri

Asia and the Pacific

24 Sep 2020

ADB's contribution to this report highlights the vulnerability of economies that have a significant or growing dependence on remittances.


24 Sep 2020

This publication provides updates on recent developments in the bond market in Hong Kong, China and highlights developments connected to the bond…

The spread of novel coronavirus COVID-19 has resulted in global pandemics, which was followed by an abrupt economic crisis, as economies stood still in…


Policy and Management Consulting Group

Group, Policy and Management Consulting

Asia and the Pacific

22 Sep 2020

ASEAN’s changing perspectives on human rights saw the latest shift taking place in the recent ASEAN foreign ministers virtual meeting hosted by Vietnam…

Asia and the Pacific

22 Sep 2020

We are continuing to seek our Shadow Board members’ views on whether the Official Cash Rate (OCR) should be negative and if the Reserve Bank should…


New Zealand Institute of Economic Research

Research, New Zealand Institute of Economic

Asia and the Pacific

21 Sep 2020

This report presents details of the non-tariff measures (NTMs) found to be applied in all the countries initially included in the Regional…


Economic Research Institute for ASEAN and East Asia

Development, United Nations Conference on Trade and

Asia and the Pacific

20 Sep 2020

Uber Eats commissioned NZIER to undertake analysis on the economic contribution of Uber Eats to the New Zealand economy, particularly with regards to…


New Zealand Institute of Economic Research

Leung, Christina|Torshizian, Eilya|Maralani, Milad|Isack., Eugene

Asia and the Pacific

18 Sep 2020

This article assesses the effectiveness of ASEAN’s NTM reforms for agri-food trade, based on two outcome variables, namely the number of NTMs and intra…


ISEAS-Yusof Ishak Institute

Suvannaphakdy, Sithanonxay|Thao, Pham Thi Phuong

Asia and the Pacific

18 Sep 2020

Public spaces belong to both women and men. The principle of gender equality lives in the Constitution of India not only in its Preamble, but also in…


The Asia Foundation

SafetiPin|Research, Centre for Social

Asia and the Pacific

18 Sep 2020

This publication emphasizes how satellite remote sensing technology can effectively aid in the design, monitoring, and evaluation of irrigation…


Asian Development Bank (ADB)

Takaku, Ryutaro|Shimasaki, Akihiro|Fuji, Hideyuki|Tasumi, Masahiro|Muraki, Yusuke


18 Sep 2020