
The Hindu Kush Himalaya Region is approximately 4.2 million square kilometers and includes parts of Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Myanmar,…


Asian Development Bank (ADB)

Asian Development Bank

Asia and the Pacific

16 Dec 2020

This report contains the latest estimates of input–output tables for East Asia and a more comprehensive range of statistics relevant to analyzing…

This report provides detailed information about the Carbon Offsetting and Reduction Scheme for International Aviation (CORSIA) and the challenges and…


16 Dec 2020

The study examined women’s roles and gender gaps in land operation and farming, labor arrangements in agriculture and water management, and…


16 Dec 2020

This report contains the latest estimates of input–output tables for South and Central Asia and a more comprehensive range of statistics relevant to…


16 Dec 2020

This brief sets out how paid sick leave can play an important and cost-effective role in containing the spread of the coronavirus disease (COVID-19)…


Asian Development Bank (ADB)

Amoranto, Glenita|Hasan, Rana|Lavado, Rouselle F.|Raitzer, David A.


16 Dec 2020

This report contains the latest estimates of input–output tables for Southeast Asia and the Pacific and a more comprehensive range of statistics…

This brochure summarizes an eco-revitalization master plan for the River Ravi in Pakistan, which aims to address decades of deterioration due to…


16 Dec 2020

Children with disabilities suffer disproportionately from the learning crisis. The global commitment to inclusive education is captured in Sustainable…


Asian Development Bank (ADB)

Chen, Liming|Raitzer, David|Hasan, Rana|Lavado, Rouselle|Velarde, Orlee

Asia and the Pacific

15 Dec 2020

The severe economic downturn caused by the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic has forced governments worldwide to increase spending while tax…


Asian Development Bank (ADB)

Felipe, Jesus|Fullwiler, Scott|Estrada, Gemma|Jaber, Maria Hanna|Magadia, Mary Ann|Patagan, Remrick

Asia and the Pacific

15 Dec 2020

Disaster governance is a key element to building a resilient ASEAN community. Vulnerability to natural hazards has led to their prioritisation in…

Asia and the Pacific

15 Dec 2020

In the aftermath of the global financial crisis monetary policies in advanced economies caused a surge in cross-border lending to emerging market…

Asia and the Pacific

15 Dec 2020