Beijing’s Baltic confession exposes undersea vulnerability

While China claims a blunder, its ship cutting a pipeline and cable last year leaves…

How Pakistan Can Turn Remittances into a Pillar of Economic Growth

Remittances play a crucial role in Pakistan's economy, as a buffer during crises and a…

Wong’s century: A closer look at gender mix in Australia’s top diplomatic roles

Female representation is near its highest. But some posts appear more equal than others.

Forgotten front: The South Caucasus contest

Energy, security, and geostrategy again find this crucial region at the crossroads.

Byte-sized diplomacy: Will governments ever reign in Big Tech?

Google took a hit in the courts last week, but the ruling might not be as important as the…

Promoting the Greater Involvement of Young People in Asia in Climate Action

Home to the largest cohort of young people globally—over 2 billion under 30—Asia and the Pacific…

Eliminating Harmful Social Norms and Violence Against Women and Girls with Disabilities

Persons with disabilities and their families face higher levels of poverty, unemployment, lower…

Where to for Australia’s First Nations Foreign Policy?

The climate is right to make environmental diplomacy a centrepiece of this new approach to the…

The binary trap after Bangladesh’s unrest

A careful balancing act for a country that stands as a bridge between South and Southeast Asia…

Starmer’s Labour sets out to sustain Indo‑Pacific ties

A change of government has refreshed the message, but the overall direction remains the same.…

Beyond the Fares: Revenue Solutions for Metros in India

As India’s urban population grows, developing high-quality mass transit systems becomes…