AUKUS: The Singapore Strategy Redux

Successive governments are making the nation vulnerable to a repeat performance.

Australia takes a big first step to engage civil society in foreign policy

With a new multi-million dollar fund, Canberra underscores the importance of robust and…

Surprise and modern war

The Kursk offensive is a reminder of the enduring power of surprise. Prudence suggests that…

Indonesia needs a strong opposition that can inspire hope, and look cool while doing it

Democratic backsliding in Southeast Asia’s largest country will set a poor example for the…

Looking back at Jokowi’s decade of resource nationalism

How successful were the Indonesian president’s efforts to localise and industrialise the country…

Central Asia's energy drive spurs regional integration

No longer in the “middle of nowhere”, Central Asian countries are collaborating and diversifying…

Australia–ASEAN maritime cooperation: A focus on the whole risks losing sight of the parts

Tailored programs accounting for individual country needs will have greater influence.

Labor squanders a multicultural mandate

An emphasis on border protection can overshadow the social and economic benefits of migration.…

The race to be Japan’s next prime minister: The chances for a first woman in the top job

If the long-ruling party wants to signal a fresh start, a big first might be the answer.

Prabowo puts the “i” in foreign policy

Indonesia’s president-elect has already put his personal touch on display.

Four Ways to Align National Trade Strategies with Climate Actions

Aligning national trade strategies with climate commitments fosters sustainable growth and…