Four Steps to Increase Investment in Disaster Displacement Solutions

To help those forced to move by disasters caused by natural hazards, innovative financing and…

Digital Tools for Accurate and Low-Cost Biodiversity Monitoring

Biodiversity monitoring is a critical aspect of conservation efforts aimed at preserving the…

Four Ways to Accelerate Tourism Recovery in Asia

Countries in Asia and the Pacific need to work together to bring in more visitors from within…

Your Questions Answered: What is Bhutan’s Gross National Happiness Index?

Milan Thomas, an ADB economist who specializes in social sector impact evaluation, and Yangchen…

How Outcome-Based Budgeting Links Resources and Results

In 2023, many countries contend with slowing economic growth and high inflation. Consequently,…

How the Youth Leap Account Can Help Young People Save

The Republic of Korea is looking to the young people to build wealth amid weakening…

Excluding LGBTI People Hurts National Development. Here Are 3 Reasons Why.

Development efforts should provide all individuals, including members of the lesbian, gay,…

For the Pacific to Prosper, More Women Need to Benefit from Technology

This International Women’s Day theme of DigitALL explores the impact of the digital gender gap…