Differentiating Between Environmental Quality Standards and Discharge Standards

There are mainly two types of environmental standards: (i) quality or ambient standards for…

Managing Risks and Increasing the Co-benefits of a Wind Project

Investments in renewable energy generation are vital for transitioning to more sustainable…

Rehabilitating the Chao Lake Basin in the People’s Republic of China

The area around Chao Lake, the fifth-largest freshwater lake in the People’s Republic of China (…

How to Design a Grid-Connected Battery Energy Storage System

A Battery Energy Storage System (BESS) significantly enhances power system flexibility,…

Stabilizing Kazakhstan's Banks: Clear Rules and Tighter Regulations Needed

Kazakhstan's banking sector has seen extensive state support, leading to increased…

Planting the Seeds for an Environmentally Sustainable Future

Pingjiang in Hunan province was listed as a poverty-stricken county in the People’s Republic of…

Invasive Alien Species: A Dual Threat to Biodiversity and Economies

The silent invasion by invasive alien species, including plants, invertebrates, vertebrates and…

Exploring the Potential of Heritage Financing

Innovative financing mechanisms, such as blue and green bonds, play a vital role in achieving…

Six Pathways to Sustainable Procurement in Asia and the Pacific

Adopting sustainable procurement is a $13 trillion opportunity to achieve its economic and…

Three Ways Finance Departments Can be a Secret Weapon Against Climate Change

Finance ministries are empowered with functions that allow them to lead a comprehensive,…