A wave of US trilaterals sends a clear message to China

Revamped security groupings led by Washington, including with Manila and Tokyo, are the new…

Myanmar: The junta’s forced conscription of Rohingyas

The implications of this cynical act for people already oppressed could reverberate for…

We’re bouncing out for the Easter long weekend

Friday and Monday are public holidays in Australia. Normal publishing will resume on Tuesday.…

Replenishing the Asian Development Bank in the Pacific

A strong replenishment of the bank’s grant financing arm would serve the Pacific well.

India: What a Modi win means for relations with Malaysia

Shared strategic future can no longer rely on “silence” as response to contentious issues.

Are Beijing and Washington testing the dark forest hypothesis?

A TV spin-off may explain why China and the US have chosen not to shoot first and ask questions…

Mind the gap: China’s megaproject promises fall short of reality in Southeast Asia

Debt, delay and deteriorating ties between China and its infrastructure partners have led some…

North Korea’s new threat: “Core central striking means”

Technological advancement is making nuclear disarmament goals even more difficult.

China and the great global AI governance divide

Beijing already has at its disposal multiple means to shape how the world approaches this…

Reflecting Australia as a career ambassador

Australia rightfully has a positive image, even if we’re sometimes better at telling our story…

Mapping the oceans is the new front in the battle for influence in the Indian Ocean

Ruling the waves means first understanding what lies beneath. Enter the geopolitics of…