Five Steps to Address Mental Health in Asia and the Pacific and Beyond

Mental health disorders, exacerbated by the pandemic, highlight the urgent need for integrated…

Biden’s new Antarctic statement holds lessons for Australia

Different views of sovereignty on the continent shouldn’t obscure the many shared goals.

Putting dollars behind “all tools of statecraft”

The budget papers offer a chance to assess the government’s claims against fiscal reality.

Indonesia’s digital drive gets big tech backing

Jakarta has welcomed some major world figures lately, hinting at its digital ambitions. But…

Whether EVs or solar panels, protectionism has the same distorting effect

Biden is playing election politics with tariffs on China’s electric cars, while Albanese’s solar…

Iran: Consequences of the vacant presidency

While continuity in foreign policy is likely, tension between state and society could be further…

Indonesia, and the origins of a decolonialisation movement that swept the world

European colonial history is lamentable – but it is important to remember the enduring legacy.…

The macroeconomic limit of American exceptionalism

There are hard rules to the forces driving the current account deficit, no matter how it is…

Myanmar: If sanctions aren’t the solution, what is?

The local population invariably pays the price for financial punishment of the regime. So better…

Australia is increasingly spending around, not on, development

Transparency could be the cost of the semi-commercialisation of Australia’s international…

Time to recognise the Crimean Tatar genocide

Acknowledging the crimes in the 1940s would underline the attachment to Ukraine and rebuff…

Was that a future Ambassador Morrison meeting a soon-to-be again President Trump?

With an election looming in the United States and one not that far away in Australia, it’s an…