Tonga and His Majesty’s Armed Forces: A military made for peace

This Pacific country avoided colonisation not by force, but by adopting the trappings of state.…

Using Biodiversity Credits to Conserve Vultures and Safeguard Ecosystems

Vultures are crucial for ecosystem health and human safety. However, populations have seen…

Russian sanctions: Why has Australia stayed quiet on reparations?

With strong rule of law credentials and expertise, Canberra should use its advantage in…

Iran’s shadow hand in Houthi Red Sea attacks

How the Houthis and Iranians work together isn’t absolutely clear – but stopping the threat to…

Economic diplomacy: Taking sides for an election

From ANZUS, Indonesia, regional business and media reporting, Penny Wong seems to have legacy in…

In teaching about Sustainable Development Goals, Japan has a chance to learn about itself

English as a foreign language courses could become a catalyst for change by fostering a critical…

Four Ways to Improve Education in Southeast Asia

The Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) provides critical insights into how…

Is AUKUS Pillar II growing too quickly?

More ambition and more members can’t be a mask for success.

New Zealand's intelligence service warns of growing foreign interference risks

A new security assessment aims to widen the concept of strategic competition beyond the United…

Australia should make a strategic investment in the World Bank

Geostrategic competition makes the multilateral advantage more vital than ever, especially in…

Can the US and China avoid a catastrophic clash?

Jake Sullivan’s trip to Beijing was about managing tension and that’s the best that can be hoped…

Australia needs to boost its engagement with Africa, but not for the reasons advocates say we should

Africa’s demographic story won’t necessarily translate to economic opportunities for Australia.…