Diplomacy at a funeral

Recent deaths of world leaders have highlighted that international relations can take place at…

China-Taiwan, and a Vatican conversion

A shift in diplomatic recognition by the head of the Catholic church would carry global…

Political upheaval in Vietnam is holding its economy back

Officials have become extremely cautious about signing off on public investment decisions – and…

Pandemic Resources and Better Living Conditions Are Key to Tackling Tuberculosis

The resurgence of detected TB infections after the pandemic has revealed persistent challenges…

Empowering Local Governments for Effective Disaster Management and Climate Resilience

As frontline responders to disasters, local governments must address policy gaps and capacity…

Putin’s diplomacy roadshow in North Korea and Vietnam

Despite Moscow’s charm offensive, regional states are keeping their options open, and China…

Four key influences on the evolution of the Ukraine War in 2025

Ukraine, Russia and NATO are already considering their strategy for the military campaigns of…

Why Australia needs more flights to Latin America

Australia’s civil aviation sector needs to be an effective tool for connection and diplomacy in…

Three Actions for More Equitable School Funding

In Nepal, there is a misalignment of equalization grants with actual service delivery costs.…

Eyes on India

The burdens of history should not be confused with sentimentalism in forging a modern…

South Africa: Strange noises in the cabinet

Some clever politicking has left ANC in the drivers’ seat, and this will direct foreign policy…