To pick winners, be willing to discard losers

Converts to industry policy will find success by drawing on the experience of success in other…

Trump attack will bolster his dark vision of America

For a candidate that has themselves incited violence while playing the victim, Trump now clearly…

What next for UK trade relations with the EU?

The ushering in of new blood in Westminster promises less ideology on trade, but no fewer red…

Time to jumpstart Australia-India clean energy cooperation

A clear understanding of the policies, capabilities and trade and investment…

Immediate questions after the attack on Trump

Fairly or not, blame for political violence will now be levelled by both sides.

Four Actions to Incorporate Climate and Health Care into Policy

Climate change has exacerbated weather hazards and health risks, driving the need for climate-…

Is Biden time out of time?

The president is trying to run down the clock on critics, only the fate of US power looms as a…

Testing the climate for AUKUS

The deterrence effects of nuclear-powered submarines are easily overstated, and the boats won’t…

The global evolution of the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation

With countries from outside the region looking to join, is the SCO about to beef up its…

The Right Policies Can Separate Economic Growth from Pollution

While emerging economies primarily experience rising CO2 emissions with growth, and high-income…

India’s “Act East” ambition must navigate Myanmar

A surprise ministerial appointment might hint at a new diplomatic initiative.