
This second volume of the Asia Small and Medium-Sized Enterprise Monitor (ASM) focuses on the impact of the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) on micro,…


06 Nov 2020

Myanmar continues to face challenges to achieving inclusive economic growth. In the past decade, the government of Myanmar has undertaken a number of…


The Asia Foundation

Malesky, Edmund|Dulay, Dean|Peltovuori, Ville

Asia and the Pacific

05 Nov 2020

Sri Lanka has a high proportion of workers (around 68% of the total employed) in informal employment. These informal workers usually work for low-wage…


Institute of Policy Studies of Sri Lanka

Lanka, Institute of Policy Studies of Sri

Asia and the Pacific

04 Nov 2020

Some commentators argue that China deliberately pursues the “debt trap diplomacy” to project undue political influence over smaller countries that…


S. Rajaratnam School of International Studies

Rana, Pradumna B|Xianbai, Ji

Asia and the Pacific

04 Nov 2020

This publication summarizes the 53rd ADB Annual Meeting (2nd stage), which involved events on current development issues in Asia and the Pacific,…


04 Nov 2020

Scholars studying the North Korean economy say that North Korea (NK) faces three difficulties by the end of 2020: sanctions against NK, Covid19, and…

Asia and the Pacific

03 Nov 2020

This publication focuses on an investment program in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia, as one of the Office of the Special Project Facilitator’s (OSPF) Lessons…


03 Nov 2020

This brief emphasizes that Asia and the Pacific is at a crossroads in its efforts to forge a sustainable future and urges policy action to put the…


Asian Development Bank (ADB)

Marsden, Emma|Olsen, Simon Høiberg|Zusman, Eric


03 Nov 2020

The Annual Meeting of the Asian Development Bank (ADB) Board of Governors is an opportunity to provide guidance on the administrative, financial, and…


Asian Development Bank (ADB)

Asian Development Bank

Asia and the Pacific

02 Nov 2020

Japan and Thailand are geographically similar in that both countries have a vast coastline and a population that is concentrated in urban areas.…


Economic Research Institute for ASEAN and East Asia

Ikeda, Makoto|Palakhamarn, Thawatchai

Asia and the Pacific

30 Oct 2020

Developing Asia has seen a buildup of public and private debt since the global financial crisis. Private debt in particular has grown rapidly, raising…


Asian Development Bank (ADB)

Park, Donghyun|Ramayandi, Arief|Tian, Shu

Asia and the Pacific

30 Oct 2020

Most Southeast Asian countries are struggling to improve their waste management systems. They have enacted and refined laws on waste management,…

Asia and the Pacific

30 Oct 2020